Is Temperature a Human Thing 01-15-2024 Dr. Perry Daneshgari

I was reading about the maximum possible or theoretical Temperature. I came across the number, 142 nonillion kelvins (1032 K.) in the link from Futurism;

You will come across this statement:

“Theoretically, it is possible. But theory isn't necessarily what we observe in our physical reality.

As such, it seems that the highest possible known temperature is 142 nonillion kelvins (1032 K.). This is the highest temperature that we know of according to the standard model of particle physics, which is the physics that underlies and governs our universe. Beyond this, physics starts to breakdown. This is known as Planck Temperature.

If you are wondering, the number looks a little like this: 142,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (that's a really big number). Ultimately, this can only come about when particles achieve what is known as thermal equilibrium.”

So, the logic of 3D will tell us that any phenomena, which requires matter as we know it to exist or be measured, may very well be connected to our sensory for its existence. Ernest Mach, in his monumental work, “Space and Geometry: In the Light of Physiological, Psychological, and Physical Inquiry” explains the relationship between our sensory and physical reality.

Drawing on Mach’s work and recognizing non-matter phenomena in our lives and sensory, we can conclude that any measurable phenomenon is related to our sensory or derivative of it. Hence the temperature may well be a human phenomenon just like space, time, energy, matter and EMF.

Please see below for the start of “Third Dimension” theory.

To remind everyone about the three dimensions discussed please see below equation and graph or look at the earlier blogs.

L = ETk


L = Unit of Life

E = Energy = mc2

T = Speed of Thought

k= Proportionality factor

In this equation, the constants are speed of light (c) and speed of Though (T). Everything else can and will vary.

                                                3rd Dimensional Flow


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