Can 3D help accelerate Cloud-Thinking™ for AI


Can 3D help accelerate Cloud-Thinking for AI


Dr. Perry Daneshgari


Ultimate form of intelligence will be captured in a common memory format. One option to capture it, is a backup in any form of AI, which in reality is just an extension of the human intelligence. Without humans AI would not exist. After all it is not the zeros and ones that create AI, it is the syntax and the meaning of the connectivity of individual digits that make the logic and the intelligence. The format of the human intelligence can be captured in a form of Cloud-Thinking™ (CT™). CT™ is a community of the way humans use intelligence to create and transfer data to information, information to knowledge and knowledge to wisdom. The taxonomy of the human generation of wisdom is depicted in the figure below.

(For more information about the above figure please read my literature on WWW.MCA.NET)

The Third Dimension is the link between electromagnetism and life. The CT™ is the link between our life and intelligence. By connecting these two links we can access the remainder of the universe, which has been hidden from us, through CT™.

What we have built at MCA Inc. under DCI® is a good example of how CT™ will apply in all corners of life. We have been able to capture over a century old process of tacit data gathering at the stage of estimating to an explicit CT™ for managing work. We have connected life to CT™.


To remind everyone about the three dimensions discussed please see below equation and graph or look at the earlier blogs.


L = ETk


L = Unit of Life

E = Energy = mc2

T = Speed of Thought

k= Proportionality factor

In this equation, the constants are speed of light (c) and speed of Though (T). Everything else can and will vary.



























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