Are Aliens Better Equipped to Connect Animate to Inanimate?


Are Aliens Better Equipped to Connect Animate to Inanimate?

3D explains it


Dr. Perry Daneshgari



 Going back to the origin of the Third Dimension, which opens up a path between Electromagnetism (EMF) and Life, it could be conceivable that transition between animate and inanimate world can go through the transition between EMF and Life frequencies. Just like the magnetic force field, which has always been there outside of our level of understating, which can move objects without any contact, the connection between EMF and life could be used to move life in the spectrum of existing frequencies between EMF and Life as we know it. The level of frequency can and will define the outcome of the transition between inanimate to animate. Our bones end up being inanimate items but before our death they were carrying an animate being.

The transition between animate to inanimate can be proven experimentally with a strong magnet, which can help objects to float. Is a fruit an animate item or is it an inanimate? It can be floated with a strong magnetic field.

Can the same effect be used to transport and transition between the phases of inanimate to animate like our observations of the aliens have shown?

The third dimension will allow us to understand the transformation between inanimate and visible items and animate visible items. It is only the matter of understating the transition equations and making the transformation real.


Please see below for the start of “Third Dimension” theory.


To remind everyone about the three dimensions discussed please see below equation and graph or look at the earlier blogs.


L = ETk




L = Unit of Life

E = Energy = mc2

T = Speed of Thought

k= Proportionality factor

In this equation, the constants are speed of light (c) and speed of Though (T). Everything else can and will vary.

      3 Dimensional Flow





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