Can Third Dimension Explain Gravity

Can Third Dimension Explain Gravity


Dr. Perry Daneshgari



Gravity is the result of Mass-Energy dimension. Mass and energy will exchange along their axis. The space time is impacted by mass-energy dimension and is bent. Life-EM dimension is impacted by the other two dimensions. The combination of the three impacts results in the world as we know it. In other words, the gravity by itself would not exist if it wasn’t because of Space-Time dimension being impacted and EM-Life’s influence. If we take both EM-Life and Space-Time out, the gravity will disappear. Where these three dimensions meet, is the point of their singularity. 

The dark matter and energy are the part of the universe which has not met the singularity to translate to the visible matter. It won’t have gravity. Gravity is the point of transfer between EM-L to visible universe. The other two dimensions exist without Mass-Energy dimension where gravity is non-existing in them. 


To remind everyone about the three dimensions discussed please see below equation and graph or look at the earlier blogs.


L = ETk


L = Unit of Life

E = Energy = mc2

T = Speed of Thought

k= Proportionality factor

In this equation, the constants are speed of light (c) and speed of Though (T). Everything else can and will vary.












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