Space-Time is Space in Time

Space-Time is Space in Time

At a given space there is the time that the space exists and after they are not at the same conditions neither will exist. In other words, space happens in a given time and time happens in a given space. One cannot exist without the other.

Let's assume that you are driving on a highway and an opening between the cars on your right or left lane allows you to change your lane to go faster or exit the highway. That time and space of the traffic opening will not exist once the conditions are not aligned anymore.


Life as we know it is the result of Dark Matter and Energy's conditions being aligned. As a matter of fact any event will have its origin in this alignment. If this holds true, many of the laws of physics including the quantum theory can be proven to be the result of the alignment of Space-Time, Mass-Energy and Electromagnetism-Life. 


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