Hello All:

In my investigations about any parallels between my theory of the Third Dimension and others' concepts. I came across reading about Dark Mater and Energy. If I understand them right, they help balance the universe's expansion and supply the mass that is not in our visible universe. If I take the 3D theory to explain the Dark Mater and Energy, it will explain it with the following hypothesis:

1. Dark Energy creates DarkMater
2. Dark Mater Creates the Visible Universe
3. All three create Life as we know it

Hence the 3D can explain the correction factors we use to explain energy, gravity, universality etc.

The same explanation can be given for the existence of prepetualilty. Perpetualilty is real when Dark Mater and Energy are taken into account. Otherwise we could not explain birth of a child with today's theories. 

Comments are welcome


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