
Showing posts from July, 2022

Climate Change An Inanimate Reality or Animate Perception? 3rd Dimension Has an Answer

  Climate Change An Inanimate Reality or Animate Perception 3 rd Dimension Has an Answer 7-29-22 Dr. Perry Daneshgari   If we take all the politics away from the issue of the climate change what we are left with are few facts that have very little historical validation for their support pro or against the impact of humans on the climate change. So, what is it really? Is it an inanimate reality or is it our perception as animate beings? Here are few facts we know from the history, which by themselves can be disputed or agreed upon: 1.       Earth froze for few million years 2.       Earth was tropic for few million years 3.       Oceans and continents have come and gone All this tell us, is that the inanimate world as we know it, has its own way of adjusting to its surroundings, with or without our animate input. We may NOT LIKE THE RESULTS, but it really doesn’t matter to earth ...